Should I Pursue Legal Action After Being Rear-Ended by an Uninsured, Unlicensed Driver in USA?

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Should I Pursue Legal Action After Being Rear-Ended by an Uninsured, Unlicensed Driver in USA?

Unread post by Insu_agent »

Yes, pursuing legal action may be necessary to seek compensation for damages incurred from the accident.

This answer is applicable in the USA. I hope you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Situations like this is exactly what it is for. If you don't, your collision insurance applies to this situation. If you only carry liability or you are uninsured, then are have problems.

The following are suggestions, not legal advice, I am not an attorney. You may wish to seek legal advise from an attorney in your area.

If you called law enforcement, hopefully the other party was charged for all of his issues you listed in your question. If he was charged, contact the prosecuting attorney and demand restitution. You will need to document your damage wether you file a law suit or file for restitution.

Other issues that may arise. Check to see in fact if he is the legal owner of the automobile he was driving. There may be Insurance if that car is not his.

Again, I suggest that you seek legal advise. The driver of the other automobile may not have been legally licenced and uninsured, however he may have money or assets.

In closing, I do hope that you are fully insured as I mentioned in the first paragraph of this response.
Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.
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